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Invite and Manage Users

In this article, we answer all your questions about users in taclia.

Updated over 2 months ago

What are users?

Users are members of your team or managers you can add to your company profile in taclia. These users can view, edit, and create documents, appointments, or tasks according to your needs. They also can add absences and clockin. You can define each user’s permissions when creating their account.

Your team: Add team members so they can clock in, perform internal tasks, create and track clients and sales, and manage appointments/jobs. You can grant them access to all Taclia tools or just specific ones (e.g., only allowing them to clock in).

How to create/invite a user?

1. Go to the “Settings Wheel”

Select the “Users” option.

2. Click the “Add” button

3. Fill in the necessary fields

Enter details like name, position in the company, email, phone number, and, most importantly, assign a “role” to the new user. Click the “Invite User” button.

4. Done!

The invited user will receive an email to access the platform. It’s important to set their permissions upon creation, as they will have access to the features you allow from their first login.

You can also check if the user has accepted the invitation under the Status column.

What are user permissions, and how do you configure them?

Permission Types

User: Can access functionalities pre-determined by the administrator but cannot access account settings or automatic reports.

Administrator: Has full access to all Taclia features and settings.

Defining Permissions

1. Go to “Manage Users” in the settings menu.

2. You’ll see a list of team members with their roles.

3. Select the profile you want to modify.

4. Click Manage Permissions.

5. A panel will open, showing functionalities with options to “View,” “Create,” “Edit,” “Delete,” and “Approve.”

6. Click the relevant checkboxes to enable or disable permissions.

Green indicates active permissions.

• Don’t forget to click “Save” after making changes.

• Permissions for “View” are always active since they affect the main menu display.

How to delete a user?

1. Go to the “Settings Wheel” next to your company name and select Manage Users.

2. Locate the user in the list, click the three dots under Actions, and select Delete User.

3. Confirm by clicking Yes, Delete.

4. The user will immediately disappear from your panel.

• You can use the filter to view deleted users by selecting Filter > View Deleted.

• Deleted users can be restored if needed.

Restoring a User

1. Go to Manage Users.

2. Click the filter option and select View Deleted.

3. In the Actions column, click the two-arrow icon to restore.

4. Confirm, and the user will reappear in your active list.

How to add payrolls and contracts?

Add employee payrolls and contracts in taclia for easy access.

1. Go to Settings (gear icon at the top right).

2. Click on the Users section.

3. Select a user.

4. Find the “Payrolls” and “Contracts” sections.

• To upload a payroll, click “Payrolls” and then “Upload File.”

• Add a description and click “Save.”

5. Employees can view their payrolls by going to My Files in their profile, where they can also upload documents.

How to modify a user?

You can update user details like name, position, phone number, or role. However, email addresses cannot be changed.

• If the email is incorrect, contact [email protected] for assistance.

How to reset a user password?

If you’ve forgotten your Taclia password:

1. On the login screen, click Forgot your password?

• Enter your email to receive reset instructions.

2. Check your inbox for an email from taclia. Click Reset Password.

3. Enter and confirm your new password on the next page.

4. You’ll see a confirmation message, and you can log in with your new password.

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