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All CollectionsSales Invoices
View/Filter invoices
View/Filter invoices

We show you how to filter your invoices to have them at hand more easily.

Updated over a week ago

Access to invoices

Navigate to the Invoices section: From the main menu, select “Invoices” to see the list of all generated invoices.

View invoices

  • Invoice list: Once in the invoices section, you will see a list of all generated invoices. This list includes details such as invoice number, issue date, customer and total amount.

  • Invoice details: Click on any invoice to view full details, including the products or services included, terms and conditions.

3. Filter invoices

  • Locate the filter panel: At the top of the invoice list, you will find the filter panel.

  • Select filter criteria: You can filter invoices by several criteria, such as:

  • Date: Select a date range to view invoices issued in that period.

  • Customer: Specify a customer to view only invoices associated with that customer.

  • Status: Filter by invoice status (e.g. paid, pending, cancelled).

3.2. Clear filters

Clear filters: If you wish to remove the applied filters and return to view all invoices, click on the “Reset filters” button.

Important warning ⚠️

Filters not saved: It is important to note that the applied filters are not saved if you leave the page. If you navigate to another section or log out, the filters will be reset and you will have to apply them again the next time you access the invoices section.

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